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Trends in IT: AI, business process analysis, and sustainability

Trends in IT: AI, business process analysis, and sustainability
June 04, 2024

The rise of generative AI and the efficiency of business processes are redefining IT industry standards and expectations.

When observing the IT ecosystem, everyone seeks to predict the major trends that will shape 2024. Although we don't have a crystal ball, several phenomena are emerging that will undoubtedly impact the IT landscape long-term. The efficiency of business processes is crucial for operational excellence, emphasizing the importance of measuring and optimizing them. Integrating artificial intelligence into these processes is a dominant trend, redefining automation and efficiency in the sector. AI, in synergy with humans, is shaping a new landscape where scalability and data governance challenges meet the urgency of sustainable practices.

Measuring business process efficiency

Central to the quest for operational excellence is understanding and improving business processes. Measuring and evaluating their real-time effectiveness is fundamental for continuous improvement, directly influencing production quality and transformation capabilities. Adaptability is essential, offering almost infinite evolution potential by reshaping resources, changing work methods, and reducing ecological footprints, aligning performance with sustainability. Recent years have shown that adaptability is crucial for staying competitive. Process analysis will become an indispensable tool to keep up with evolving customer needs.

AI at the core of processes

Artificial intelligence is becoming a key player in redefining business process automation. Supporting decision-making, AI enables advanced orchestration and in-depth data analysis at unprecedented speeds and scales. However, its integration poses challenges, particularly regarding reliability and regulation. Developing trustworthy AI that works alongside humans to optimize workflows and improve overall efficiency is imperative. Currently, AI aggregates data and suggests solutions, but humans take action and validate steps, doing most of the work. In the future, AI will take on more tasks, with humans as supervisors. AI will operate at the core of processes, acting as an "orchestrator" from the initial needs expressed by various stakeholders, engaging required actions under human supervision, ready to intervene if necessary.

Scalability and data governance: AI assisting humans

The exponential growth of data generated by our systems poses significant scalability challenges. Data governance has become a strategic priority, requiring rigorous management to ensure performance, compliance, and security. AI can play a crucial role in this management, offering orchestration and analysis capabilities previously unimaginable. However, scalable data governance requires a holistic approach, combining technological advancements with organizational changes.

Green IT

Technology must now be not only smart but also sustainable. Green IT represents a commitment to developing more environmentally friendly technological solutions. This involves stricter regulations to reduce energy consumption and adopting development practices that minimize ecological impact. This includes greener initial training for engineers (Green by design) and developing an open-source toolset to actively support overall sustainability goals. It's also essential to reconsider the intensive use imposed by the arrival of generative AI. While beneficial, its hidden costs, particularly in energy expenditure, are less discussed. For instance, training a model like ChatGPT for months emits 60 times more carbon than a Google search.

Marked by a quest for efficiency, AI integration, sustainability, and growing data governance challenges, the future calls for enhanced synergy between humans and machines. Facing environmental urgency and ethical issues, the IT sector must lead change, guided by collective responsibility. The time for concerted action is now, to shape a future where technology, far from being an end in itself, becomes a lever for a more equitable and sustainable society.


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